Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
229 lines
title DOORS2.ASM
comment ~
║ PCMagizine ASseMbler ║█
║ ║█
║ The following program began its life in ║█
║ PC Magazine. A detailed description of ║█
║ the program can be found in the issue ║█
║ referenced below. ║█
║ ║█
DOORS.ASM John Dickinson, "Try a Door, Not a Window"
Vol. 4, No. 3 (February 5, 1985)
Coordinating your color and monochrome
The program becomes memory resident when run, and scans the
keycodes of any keys pressed. In its original version, if the
Alt - Right Shift keys were pressed together, the routine would
copy all screen information to the monitor not being used, and
would switch to that monitor.
The program has been modified slightly. Now, the Alt - Left Shift
keys will switch monitors. The Alt - Right Shift keys will copy
all text information to the other screen, but leave you where you
were on the original monitor. (I use this function to put a
"snapshot" of text on the other screen for reference while I work).
If the program is switching to the graphics board, it does so in
the BW80 mode -- which can be changed to the CO80 mode (see the
comments below) if you have a color monitor.
Modified January 1986.
Please let me know about any bugs/comments that you have via
Gene Plantz' IBBS, 312-882-4227.
Mike Pechnyo
ROM_BIOS_DATA segment at 40h ; Low Memory "BIOS" Parameters
org 10h ; Location of EQUIP_FLAG
EQUIP_FLAG dw ? ; Contains video settings
; in bits 4 and 5
org 17h ; Location of KB_FLAG
KB_FLAG db ? ; Contains Alt (bit 3) &
; Right Shift (bit 0) States
; Initialization Routine
CODE_SEG segment
assume cs:CODE_SEG
org 100h ; COM program format
BEGIN: jmp SWAP_VECTORS ; Initialize vectors and attach to DOS
ROM_KB_INT dd ? ; Double word to save address of
; ROM-BIOS keyboard interrupt
video_hold dw 2000 dup(?) ; storage to hold the old screen
old_mode db ?
; DOORS_INT intercepts the keyboard interrupt and switches
; screens if [Alt]-[Shift] combination is pressed
DOORS_INT proc near
assume ds:nothing
push ds ; Push all affected registers
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
pushf ; Push Flags for fake interrupt call
call ROM_KB_INT ; to BIOS program to read keyboard
assume ds:ROM_BIOS_DATA ; Define data segment to read
mov ax,ROM_BIOS_DATA ; keyboard flag & equipment flag
mov ds,ax
mov cx,2 ; times to go through the loop
mov al,KB_FLAG ; Get keyboard flag
and al,11 ; Isolate [Alt] + [Shift keys]
cmp al,09 ; is [Alt] + [Right Shift] pressed ?
je go_ahead
cmp al,10 ; is [Alt] + [Left Shift] pressed ?
jne RETURN ; No, quit
mov cx,1 ; set cx to 1 if Left Shift, 2 if Right Shift
; do 2 passes through the code if Right Shift
; (copy info to opposite screen), 1 pass if
; Left Shift (switch monitors)
; [Alt] + [Right Shift] are pressed -- Continue processing
; Check on video mode - quit if not monochrome, color 80x25 or BW 80x25
; first check the original screen mode
mov ah,15 ; Call Func 15 of Int 10h to
int 10h ; get video state of the PC
cmp al,7 ; Is screen monochrome?
je SCREEN_OKAY ; Yes, go switch screens
cmp al,3 ; Is screen color text?
jbe CHECK_40_OR_80 ; Yes, go check for 80 or 40 char
jmp RETURN ; Screen is in graphics mode, quit
cmp al,1 ; Is screen 40-character?
jbe RETURN ; Yes, quit
push cx ; save the number of times to do the work
; Save the current cursor position
mov ah,3 ; Call Func 3 of Int 10H
mov bh,0 ; to read cursor position
int 10h ; (page zero for color screen)
; Screen switch routine - Establish calling argument (AL) for Int 10h
mov bx,EQUIP_FLAG ; Current equipment flag to BX
mov cx,bx ; Make a copy of it in CX
and cx,30h ; Extract screen information
xor bx,cx ; Erase current screen information in BX
or bx,20h ; Set BX to color 80x25
mov al,2 ; Set AL for B&W 80x25 in Int 10h
; change to 3 for color 80x25
cmp cx,30h ; Is current mono?
je SET_MODE ; Yes, switch to color
or bx,30h ; No, set BX for monochrome
mov al,7 ; Set AL for monochrome in Int 10h
mov EQUIP_FLAG,bx ; Write BX to equipment flag
xor ah,ah ; Use Func 0 of Int 10h to
int 10h ; change screen parameters
; Restore Cursor
mov ah,2 ; Use Func 2 of Int 10h to restore
mov bh,0 ; cursor on new screen (position in DX)
int 10h
; After screens are switched, set DS and ES registers to move screen data
push ds ; save the data segment
mov ax,0b000h ; Load ES with Mono Segment
mov es,ax
mov ax,0b800h ; Load DS with Color Segment
mov ds,ax
cmp cx,30h ; Did we switch from mono?
jne COPY_THE_SCREEN ; NO, move data from mono to color
push ds ; YES, swap ES and DS to move data
push es ; from mono to color
pop ds
pop es
xor di,di ; Start at zero offsets
xor si,si
mov cx,2000 ; 2000 chars + attrs per screen
cld ; Make sure move is 'forward'
rep movsw ; Move Words with string instruction
; from DS:[SI] to ES:[DI]
pop ds ; restore the data segment
pop cx ; restore the count value
loop SCREEN_OKAY ; and go back if CX>0
pop di ; Restore saved registers
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
iret ; Return to system
; This procedure initializes the new keyboard interupt vectors
SWAP_VECTORS proc near
; push ds ; Save Data Segment
; for DOS return
comment |
mov ax,VECTORS ; Set up the data
mov ds,ax ; segment for vectors
cli ; Disable interrupts
mov ax,word ptr KB_INT_VECTOR ; Store addresses
mov word ptr ROM_KB_INT,ax ; of BIOS program
mov ax,word ptr KB_INT_VECTOR[2]
mov word ptr ROM_KB_INT[2],ax
mov word ptr KB_INT_VECTOR, offset DOORS_INT ; Substitute Our
mov word ptr KB_INT_VECTOR[2],cs ; Program
sti ; Enable interrupts
; the old code (commented out) has been replaced by the
; more kosher DOS 2.0 Get and Set interrupt calls -- of course,
; this DOES require using DOS 2.0 or above -- and the routine
; does NOT check the DOS version
mov ah,35h
mov al,9 ; keyboard function
int 21h ; get interrupt vector
mov word ptr ROM_KB_INT,bx ; offset
mov word ptr ROM_KB_INT[2],es ; segment
mov ah,25h
mov al,9
push cs
pop ds ; DS:DX point to this routine
mov dx,offset DOORS_INT
int 21h ; set interrupt vector
mov dx,offset SWAP_VECTORS ; End of new resident
; program
int 27h ; Terminate resident